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Six food service workers standing in front of Welcome bulletin board.

FPES Food Service


National School BREAKFAST Program:

Break the Fast!  Each school serves breakfast daily, and breakfast is a great way to make sure all students are ready to learn and do their best throughout the school day.
We all want your child to succeed.  Students who eat a regular breakfast tend to:

  • Have fewer absences, be healthier, weigh less, and be more active
  • Meet recommended levels for important nutrients like calcium, dietary fiber, and protein
  • Perform better on tests of math, matching, and memory
  • Have fewer behavioral issuesFood Tray with Description of Food Items


What makes a breakfast ?

Every breakfast provides roughly 1/4 the recommended calories needed for the day
and includes whole grain breakfast entrees, fruit or juice, and milk.



National School LUNCH Program:

Let us do the work of making a healthy lunch. Having your child eat school lunch will help save you time & money!

Studies have shown that children who participate in the National School Lunch Program:

  • Eat greater amounts of healthy foods like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains; and have an overall better diet. They are also more likely to have appropriate intakes of
    calcium, vitamin A and zinc.
  • School lunches follow strict nutritional guidelines and are healthier than the convenient pre-packaged treats that oftentimes end up in a home packed meal. School lunches contain fewer calories, fat, saturated fat and sugar than lunches brought from home.
  • Participating in school lunch reduces food insecurity, obesity rates, and poor health


What makes a lunch ?School Lunch Tray with Food Descriptions

Every lunch provides 1/3 or more of the recommended daily nutritional needs.  Every meal is guaranteed to have FIVE components offered, including Meat/ Meat Alternate (Protein), Whole Grains, Fruit, Vegetable, and Milk, EVERY DAY! 

Please remind your student that they must take at least one 1/2 cup of fruit or vegetable with each meal in order to get the affordable meal pricing.